My name is Penguindroppings.  I started Twitch back in May 2021 with Mass Effect, my favorite game and series of all time. I had no intentions of streaming publicly, I was only streaming to distract a family member while going through medical treatment. The rest is pretty much history. 

You may be fooled to think i'm a Souls Streamer.  Or i'm fooling myself that i'm not.  Either or, I enjoy a variety of games that are story driven, FPS, with a sprinkle of rogue like games.  My streams has been primarily driven to entertain my friends and family with the mind set of an open invite for anyone else who want to join in and vibe with.  

Thank you's

I wanted to express my thank you's to everyone who helped me get this kick started: 

ImDyingHelpPlease with help on merch images. 1nvisibl3k1d with merch design ideas and help with the website.

My mods, SaltyStrauberri, Beita, Chalkhae, Hometowngreen, 1nvisibl3k1d and Sidewinder for keeping me sane and being the folks I entrust and enjoy their company with.

To all the folks who one way or the other supported my scuffed endeavors with streaming, discord and this website. I appreciate everyone's time and support.  Thank you.